About me
My name is Merel van ’t Hoff, and I am an Assistant Professor at Purdue University. I obtained my PhD at Leiden Observatory, the Netherlands, working with Prof. Ewine van Dishoeck and Dr. John Tobin, and was a postdoctoral Fellow in the Society of Fellows at the University of Michigan, pursuing an independent research program in the group of Prof. Ted Bergin.
I combine molecular line observations with simple chemical modeling and radiative transfer to study young protostellar disks that are still embedded in their envelope of natal cloud material in order to unravel the initial conditions for planet formation. I use chemistry as tracer of the physical conditions and I am particularly interested in sublimation fronts, such as snowlines and the soot line. My CV can be downloaded below.
In 2021, I was an ALMA ambassador for the North American ALMA Science Center.
I enjoy participating in astronomy outreach events and giving public talks. I was one of the organizers of Astronomy on Tap Leiden, and a video of the talk I gave at one of these events can be found here. I have also recorded a 1-minute video explaining my research as part of the eye-openers project from the Royal Netherlands Chemical Society (KNCV).

ALMA observations of a young disk. © Merel van ‘t Hoff
Unveiling the initial conditions for planet formation
My research focuses primarily on young disks still embedded in their natal envelope. Planet formation already starts in this early phase, but in contrast to mature protoplanetary disks, the physical and chemical structure of young disks is still poorly characterized. In van ’t Hoff et al. (2018b), we show how molecular line emission from the disk can be disentangled from envelope emission using the velocity structure and opacity effects, allowing us to study the initial conditions for planet formation. Scroll down for an overview of the first results.
I am a member of the eDisk team, an ALMA (the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) Large Program (Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks) aimed at studying the dust and CO isotopologues at high angular resolution in 19 young disks. Stay tuned for the first results!
Schematic overview of low-mass star formation. © Merel van ‘t Hoff
Sublimation fronts as tracers of the conditions in young disks
I am particularly interested in temperature, and my work has an emphasis on three regimes: 20 K, 100 K and 300 K. The first two temperatures correspond to the locations in the disk where the major volatile carbon and oxygen carriers, CO and H2O, sublimate from the ice into the gas (so-called snowlines). The third temperature is associated with the the sublimation of small carbonaceous grains (the soot line). At each of these sublimation fronts the composition of the solids and the gas thus undergoes a drastic change. Since these are the building blocks of planetary cores and giant-planet atmospheres, respectively, knowing where the different sublimation fronts are located is crucial for understanding what types of planets can form at different locations.
Illustration of the effect of disk temperature on the composition of the planet-forming material upon crossing different sublimation fronts. © Merel van ‘t Hoff
The 20 K regime: the CO snowline
Locating the CO snowline with a chemical tracer
CO is one of the most volatile molecules present in disks, and it remains present in the gas phase until the temperature drops below ~20 K. The CO snowline is therefore one of the snowlines located at the largest distances from the star. However, although the CO snowline location can be spatially resolved with ALMA, locating the CO snowline directly is generally very difficult because the CO emission becomes optically thick in the surface layers and does not probe the disk midplane. Instead of CO, we can use the molecule N2H+ as a chemical tracer, because N2H+ can only be abundant when CO is frozen out. I have developed a chemical network to demonstrate that N2H+ emission is a good tracer of the CO snowline, as long as chemical effects and the disk physical structure are taken into account (van ’t Hoff et al. 2017). Applying this to the disk around TW Hya shows that the CO snowline is located around 18 AU instead of 30 AU as was previously derived from fitting the N2H+ emission with a simple column density profile.
A poster presenting these results can be found here.
My work on N2H+ also hinted that it has the potential to lift the degeneracy between low CO abundances and low gas masses in protoplanetary disks. This has now been confirmed (e.g., by Trapman et al. 2022) and will be used in the ALMA Large Program AGE-PRO to study the gas content of a large number of disks.
The temperature structure of young disks
Protoplanetary disks are found to have a large cold outer region where CO is frozen out. In contrast, we showed that young disks are typically too warm (T > 20 K) for CO ice (van ’t Hoff et al. 2018b, 2020a, 2020c). The conditions in young disks are thus not necessarily the same as in mature protoplanetary disks. This means that the initial conditions for planet formation may be different than currently assumed.
A poster presenting an analysis of the young disk L1527 can be found here.
Overview of midplane temperature profiles in young (Class 0 and I) disks and mature (Class II) disks. Figure from van ‘t Hoff et al. (2019, PhD thesis). The temperature profile for IRAS 16293A is from van ‘t Hoff et al. (2020a), IRAS 04302 is from van ‘t Hoff et al. (2020c), L1527 is from van ‘t Hoff et al. (2018b), and TW Hya is from Schwarz et al. (2016).
The 100 K regime: the water snowline
Locating the H2O snowline with a chemical tracer
The water snowline is arguably the most important snowline because the bulk of the oxygen budget and ice mass is in water ice. In addition, planetesimal formation is expected to be significantly enhanced at this snowline. The water snowline is located much closer to the star than the CO snowline (a few AU instead of 10s of AU), requiring very high angular resolution to be observed. In addition, water itself is predicted to be difficult to detect in disks. Therefore, the best option to locate the water snowline is by using a chemical tracer, as is done for the CO snowline. We showed that the HCO+ isotopologue H13CO+ is a promising tracer for the water snowline by imaging the spatial anticorrelation between H13CO+ and the water isotopologue H218O in protostellar envelopes (van ’t Hoff et al. 2018a, 2022a).
Following these observational results in protostellar envelopes, we developed a chemical network for H2O and HCO+ and demonstrated the applicabililty in protoplanetary disks (Leemker et al. 2021). This work also showed that substructures in the dust are not necessarily related to the water snowline. Applying the chemical network to analyze ALMA observations has resulted in the first water snowline location in a young disk from molecular line observations (van 't Hoff et al. 2022b).
Spatial anticorrelation between H13CO+ and H218O in the protostellar envelope around NGC1333 IRAS2A observed with NOEMA. Figure from van ‘t Hoff et al. (2018a).
Chemical complexity of planet-forming material
Most complex organic molecules (that is molecules containing carbon and six or more atoms) have freeze-out temperatures similar to water. This means that in protoplanetary disks these molecules are only present in the gas phase in the inner few AU, unless they are released from the ice by non-thermal processes. So far, only four complex species have been detected in disks. However, when a protostar undergoes an accretion outburst, the disk is heated and the snowlines are shifted outward. We have shown for the young disk around the outbursting star V883 Ori that complex molecules can then readily be detected (van ’t Hoff et al. 2018c). These young disks are thus ideal systems to probe the chemical complexity of the planet-forming material.
ALMA spectrum of the disk around the outbursting protostar V883 Ori obtained with only 1 minute of integration. Figure from van ‘t Hoff et al. (2018c).
Charles Blue (NRAO) wrote the following blog about these results.
I am a co-I on the ALMA Large Program COMPASS (Complex Organic Molecules in Protostars with ALMA Spectral Surveys) that will perform an unbiased spectral survey covering 33 GHz bandwidth toward 11 Solar-type protostars to study the chemical complexity present at the onset of planet formation. The observations are scheduled to be taken between October 2022 and October 2023.
The 300 K regime: the soot line
Earth and other inner Solar System bodies are severely depleted in carbon and nitrogen, while comets show solar abundances. This suggests that carbon and nitrogen must have been present in the gas, instead of in refractories, in the inner region of the young Solar System, such that these elements were unavailable for accretion onto rocky bodies. A promising and largely unexplored process is the thermal sublimation of carbon grains inside the soot line. In van ‘t Hoff et al. (2020b), we argue that carbon-grain sublimation should result in an enhancement of nitrogen-bearing complex molecules (N-COMs) inside the soot line. I have shown that differences in spatial distribution and temperature between nitrogen- and oxygen-bearing complex molecules have indeed been observed in the literature, although not uniformly, most likely due to differences in observational settings or episodic accretion. In addition, suitable observations toward low-mass sources are scare. I have therefore conducted a pilot study with NOEMA (the NOrthern Extended Millimeter Array) targeting 8 protostars at three different wavelengths. This has resulted in the detection of hot (> 300 K) gas toward all sources, suggesting that processes relevant for the formation of Earth may be prevalent (van ‘t Hoff et al., in prep.)
Schematic of the inner region around a protostar and the predicted chemical effects of the destruction of carbonaceous grains inside the soot line. Figure adapted from van ‘t Hoff et al. (2020b).
31 refereed papers, of which 9 first-author papers
First author
The young embedded disk L1527 IRS: Constraints on the water snowline and cosmic-ray ionization rate from HCO+ observations.
van ‘t Hoff, M.L.R., Leemker, M., Tobin, J.J., Harsono, D., Jørgensen, J.K., & Bergin E.A. 2022b, ApJ, 932, 6.Imaging the water snowline around protostars with water and HCO+ isotopologues.
van ‘t Hoff, M.L.R., Harsono, D., van Gelder, M.L., Hsieh, T.-H., Tobin, J.J., Jensen, S.S., Hirano, N., Jørgensen, J.K., Bergin, E.A., & van Dishoeck, E.F. 2022a, ApJ, 924, 5.Temperature structures of embedded disks: young disks in Taurus are warm.
van ‘t Hoff, M.L.R., Harsono, D., Tobin, J.J., Bosman, A.D., van Dishoeck, E.F., Jørgensen, J.K., Miotello, A., Murillo, N.M., & Walsh, C. 2020c, ApJ, 901, 166.Carbon-grain sublimation: a new top-down component of protostellar chemistry.
van ‘t Hoff, M.L.R., Bergin, E.A., Jørgensen, J.K., & Blake, G.A. 2020b, ApJL, 897, L38.Temperature structures of young disk-like structures: The case of IRAS 16293A. van ’t Hoff, M.L.R., van Dishoeck, E.F., Jørgensen, J.K., & Calcutt, H. 2020a, A&A, 633, A7.
Methanol and its relation to the water snowline in the disk around the young outbursting star V883 Ori. van ’t Hoff, M.L.R., Tobin, J.J., Trapman, L., Harsono, D., Sheehan, P.D., Fischer, W.J., Megeath, S.T., & van Dishoeck, E.F. 2018c, ApJL, 864, L23.
Unveiling the physical conditions of the youngest disk. A warm embedded disk in L1527. van ’t Hoff, M.L.R., Tobin, J.J., Harsono, D., & van Dishoeck, E.F. 2018b, A&A, 615, A83.
Imaging the water snowline in a protostellar envelope with H13CO+. van ’t Hoff, M.L.R., Persson, M.V., Harsono, D., Taquet, V., Jørgensen, J.K., Visser, R., Bergin, E.A., & van Dishoeck, E.F. 2018a, A&A, 613, A29.
Robustness of N2H+ as tracer of the CO snowline.
van ’t Hoff, M.L.R., Walsh, C., Kama, M., Facchini, S., & van Dishoeck, E.F. 2017, A&A, 599, A101.
Led by co-supervised students
Chemically tracing the water snowline in protoplanetary disks with HCO+.
Leemker, M., van ‘t Hoff, M.L.R., Trapman, L., van Gelder, M.L., Hogerheijde, M.R., Ruíz-Rodríguez, D., & van Dishoeck, E.F., 2021, A&A, 646, 3.
A measurement of the water D/H ratio and snowline in a proto-planetary disk.
Tobin, J.J., van ‘t Hoff, M.L.R., Leemker, M., van Dishoeck, E.F., Paneque-Carreño, T., Furuya, K., Harsono, D., Persson, M.V., Cleeves, L.I., Sheehan, P.D., & Cieza, L. Nature, under review.A VLA view of the flared, asymmetric disk around the Class 0 protostar L1527 IRS.
Sheehan, P.D., Tobin, J.J., Li, Z.-Y., van ‘t Hoff, M.L.R., Jørgensen, J.K., Kwon, W., Looney, L.W., Ohashi, N., Takakuwa, S., Williams, J.P., Aso, Y., Gavino, S., de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I., Han, I., Lee, C.W., Plunkett, A., Sharma, R., Aikawa, Y., Lai, S.-P., Lee, J.-E., Lin, Z.-Y. D., Saigo, K., Tomida, K., & Yen, H.-W. 2022 ApJ, 934, 95.Disks and outflows in the intermediate-mass star-forming region NGC 2071 IR.
Cheng, Y., Tobin, J.J., Yang, Y.-L., van ‘t Hoff, M.L.R., Sadavoy, S.I., Osorio, M., Díaz-Rodríguez, A.K., Anglada, G., Karnath, N., Sheehan, P.D., Li, Z.-Y., Reynolds, N., Murillo, N.M., Zhang, Y., Megeath, S.T., & Tychoniec, Ł 2022, ApJ, 933, 178.A novel way of measuring the gas disk mass of protoplanetary disks using N2H+ and C18O.
Trapman, L., Zhang, K., van ‘t Hoff, M.L.R., Hogerheijde, M., & Bergin, E.A. 2022, ApJ, 926, 2.The VLA/ALMA Nascent Disk and Multiplicity (VANDAM) survey of Orion protostars. V. A characterization of protostellar multiplicity.
Tobin, J.J., Offner, S.S.R., Kratter, K.M., Megeath, S.T., Sheehan, P.D., Looney, L.W., Díaz-Rodríguez, A.K., Osorio, M., Anglada, G., Sadavoy, S.I., Furlan, E., Segura-Cox, D., Karnath, N., van ‘t Hoff, M.L.R., van Dishoeck, E.F., Li, Z.-Y., Sharma, R., Stutz, A.M., & Tychoniec, Ł 2022, ApJ, 925, 39.Which molecule traces what: Chemical diagnostics of protostellar sources.
Tychoniec, Ł., van Dishoeck, E.F., van ‘t Hoff, M.L.R., van Gelder, M.L., Tabone, B., Chen, Y., Harsono, D., Hull, C.L.H., Hogerheijde M.R., Murillo, N.M., & Tobin J.J. 2021, A&A, 655, 65.Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS). XIX. Spiral arms, a tail and diffuse structures traced by CO around the GM Aur disk.
Huang, J., Bergin, E.A., Öberg, K.I., Andrews, S.M., Teague, R., Law, C.J., Kalas, P., Aikawa, Y., Bae, J., Bergner, J.B., Booth, A.S., Bosman, A.D., Calahan, J.K., Cataldi, G., Cleeves, L.I., Czekala, I., Ilee, J.D., Le Gal, R., Guzmán, V.V., Long, F., Loomis, R.A., Ménard, F., Nomura, H., Qi, C., Schwarz, K.R., Tsukagoshi, T., van ‘t Hoff, M.L.R., Walsh, C., Wilner, D.J., Yamato, Y., & Zhang, K. 2021, ApJS, 257, 19.Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS). XVII. Determining the 2D thermal structure of the HD 163296 disk.
Calahan, J.K., Bergin, E.A., Zhang, K., Schwarz, K.R., Öberg, K.I., Guzmán, V.V., Walsh, C., Aikawa, Y., Alarcón, F., Andrews, S.M., Bae, J., Bergner, J.B., Booth, A.S., Bosman, A.D., Cataldi, G., Czekala, I., Huang, J., Ilee, J.D., Law, C.J., Le Gal, R., Long, F., Loomis, R.A., Ménard, F., Nomura, H., Qi, C., Teague, R., van ‘t Hoff, M.L.R., Wilner, D.J., & Yamato, Y. 2021, ApJS, 257, 17.Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS). XV. Tracing protoplanetary disk structure within 20 au.
Bosman, A.D., Bergin, E.A., Loomis, R.A., Andrews, S.M., van ‘t Hoff, M.L.R., Teague, R., Öberg, K.I., Guzmán, V.V., Walsh, C., Aikawa, Y., Alarcón, F., Bae, J., Bergner, J.B., Booth, A.S., Cataldi, G., Cleeves, L.I., Czekala, I., Huang, J., Ilee, J.D., Law, C.J., Le Gal, R., Liu, Y., Long, F., Ménard, F., Nomura, H., Pérez, L., Qi, C., Schwarz, K.R., Sierra, A., Tsukagoshi, T., Yamato, Y., Wilner, D.J., & Zhang, K. 2021, ApJS, 257, 15.Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS). VIII. CO gap in AS209 – Gas depletion or chemical processing?
Alarcón, F., Bosman, A.D., Bergin, E.A., Zhang, K., Teague, R., Bae, J., Aikawa, Y., Andrews, S.M., Booth, A.S., Calahan, J.K., Cataldi, G., Czekala, I., Huang, J., Ilee, J.D., Law, C.J., Le Gal, R., Liu, Y., Long, F., Loomis, R.A., Ménard, F., Öberg, K.I., Schwarz, K.R., van ‘t Hoff, M.L.R., Walsh, C., & Wilner, D.J., 2021, ApJS, 257, 8.Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS). VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and superstellar C/O in planet-feeding gas.
Bosman, A.D., Alarcón, F., Bergin, E.A., Zhang, K., van ‘t Hoff, M.L.R., Öberg, K.I., Guzmán, V.V., Walsh, C., Aikawa, Y., Andrews, S.M., Bergner, J.B., Booth, A.S., Cataldi, G., Cleeves, L.I., Czekala, I., Furuya, K., Huang, J., Ilee, J.D., Law, C.J., Le Gal, R., Liu, Y., Long, F., Loomis, R.A., Ménard, F., Nomura, H., Pérez, L., Qi, C., Schwarz, K.R., Teague, R., Tsukagoshi, T., Yamato, Y., & Wilner, D.J. 2021, ApJS, 257, 7.Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS). V. CO gas distributions.
Zhang, K., Booth, A.S., Law, C.J., Bosman, A.D., Schwarz, K.R., Bergin, E.A., Öberg, K.I., Andrews, S.M., Guzmán, V.V., Walsh, C., Qi, C., van ‘t Hoff, M.L.R., Long, F., Wilner, D.J., Huang, J., Czekala, I., Ilee, J.D., Cataldi, G., Bergner, J.B., Aikawa, Y., Teague, R., Bae, J., Loomis, R.A., Calahan, J.K., Alarcón, F., Ménard, F., Le Gal, R., Sierra, A., Yamato, Y., Nomura, H., Tsukagoshi, T., Pérez, L.M., Trapman, L., Liu, Y., & Furuya, K. 2021, ApJS, 257, 5.Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS). IV. Emission surfaces and vertical distribution of molecules.
Law, C.J., Teague, R., Loomis, R.A., Bae, J., Öberg, K.I., Czekala, I., Andrews, S.M., Aikawa, Y., Alarcón, F., Bergin, E.A., Bergner, J.B., Booth, A.S., Bosman, A.D., Calahan, J.K., Cataldi, G., Cleeves, L.I., Furuya, K., Guzmán, V.V., Huang, J., Ilee, J.D., Le Gal, R., Liu, Y., Long, F., Loomis, R.A., Ménard, F., Nomura, H., Pérez, L., Qi, C., Schwarz, K.R., Soto, D., Tsukagoshi, T., Yamato, Y., van ‘t Hoff, M.L.R., Walsh, C., Wilner, D.J., & Zhang, K. 2021, ApJS, 257, 4.Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS). III. Characteristics of radial chemical substructures.
Law, C.J., Loomis, R.A., Teague, R., Öberg, K.I., Czekala, I., Andrews, S.M., Huang, J., Aikawa, Y., Alarcón, F., Bae, J., Bergin, E.A., Bergner, J.B., Boehler, Y., Booth, A.S., Bosman, A.D., Calahan, J.K., Cataldi, G., Cleeves, L.I., Furuya, K., Guzmán, V.V., Ilee, J.D., Le Gal, R., Liu, Y., Long, F., Ménard, F., Nomura, H., Qi, C., Schwarz, K.R., Sierra, A., Tsukagoshi, T., Yamato, Y., van ‘t Hoff, M.L.R., Walsh, C., Wilner, D.J., & Zhang, K. 2021, ApJS, 257, 3.Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS). I. Program overview and highlights.
Öberg, K.I., Guzmán, V.V., Walsh, C., Aikawa, Y., Bergin, E.A., Law, C.J., Loomis, R.A., Alarcón, F., Andrews, S.M., Bae, J., Bergner, J.B., Boehler, Y., Booth, A.S., Bosman, A.D., Calahan, J.K., Cataldi, G., Cleeves, L.I., Czekala, I., Furuya, K., Huang, J., Ilee, J.D., Kurtovic, N., Le Gal, R., Liu, Y., Long, F., Ménard, F., Nomura, H., Pérez, L., Qi, C., Schwarz, K.R., Sierra, A., Teague, R., Tsukagoshi, T., Yamato, Y., van ‘t Hoff, M.L.R., Waggoner, A.R., Walsh, C., Wilner, D.J., & Zhang, K. 2021, ApJS, 257, 1.Complex organic molecules in low-mass protostars on Solar System scales. II. Nitrogen-bearing species.
Nazari, P., van Gelder, M.L., van Dishoeck, E.F., Tabone, B., van ‘t Hoff, M.L.R., Ligterink, N.F.W., Beuther, H., Boogert, A.C.A., Caratti o Garatti, A., Klaassen, P.D., Linnartz, H., Taquet, V., & Tychoniec, Ł. 2021, A&A, 650, 150.THE VLA/ALMA Nascent Disk and Multiplicity (VANDAM) survey of Orion protostars. IV. Unveiling the embedded intermediate-mass protostar and disk within OMC2-FIR3/HOPS-370.
Tobin, J.J., Sheehan, P.D., Reynolds, N., Megeath, S.T., Osorio, M., Anglada, G., Diaz-Rodriguez, A.K., Furlan, E., Kratter, K., Offner, S., Looney, L., Kama, M., Li, Z.-Y., van ‘t Hoff, M.L.R., Sadavoy, S., & Karnath, N., 2020, ApJ, 905, 162.The VLA/ALMA Nascent Disk And Multiplicity (VANDAM) survey of Orion protostars. II. A statistical characterization of Class 0 and I protostellar disks. Tobin, J.J., Sheehan, P.D., Megeath, S.T., Díaz-Rodríguez, A.K., Offner, S.S.R., Murillo, N.M., van ’t Hoff, M.L.R., et al. 2020, accepted for publication in ApJ.
The VLA/ALMA Nascent Disk And Multiplicity (VANDAM) survey of Orion protostars I. Identifying and characterizing the protostellar content of the OMC2-FIR4 and OMC2-FIR3 regions. Tobin, J.J., Megeath, S.T., van ’t Hoff, M.L.R., Díaz-Rodríguez, A.K., Reynolds, N., et al. 2019, ApJ, 886, 6.
Linking interstellar and cometary O2: a deep search for 16O18O in the solar-type protostar IRAS 16293-2422.
Taquet, V., van Dishoeck, E.F., Swayne, M., Harsono, D., Jørgensen, J.K., Maud, L., Ligterink, N.F.W., Müller, H.S.P., Codella, C., Altwegg, K., Bieler, A., Coutens, A., Drozdovskaya, M.N., Furuya, K., Persson, M.V., van ’t Hoff, M.L.R., Walsh, C., & Wampfler, S.F. 2018, A&A, 618, A11.First detection of methanol in a protoplanetary disk.
Walsh, C., Loomis, R.A., Öberg, K.I., Kama, M., van ’t Hoff, M.L.R., Millar, T.J., Aikawa, Y., Herbst, E., Widicus Weaver, S.L., & Nomura, H. 2016, ApJL, 823, L10.
Conference Proceedings
Searching for the t=0 of planetary system formation.
Bergin, E.A., van ‘t Hoff, M.L.R., & Jørgensen, J.K. 2022, in Multi-line Diagnostics of the Interstellar Medium, Nice, France, Edited by Bouscasse, L.; Kramer, C.; Gueth, F.; EPJ Web of Conferences, Volume 265, id.00043Unveiling the physical and chemical conditions in the young disk around L1527.
van ’t Hoff, M.L.R., Tobin, J.J., Harsono, D., & van Dishoeck, E.F. 2018, in Astrochemistry VII: Through the cosmos from galaxies to planets, IAU Symposium 332
ed. M. Cunningham, T. Millar & Y. Aikawa (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge), p. 121Imaging the water snowline in protostellar envelopes.
van ’t Hoff, M.L.R. 2018, in Astrochemistry VII: Through the cosmos from galaxies to planets, IAU Symposium 332, ed. M. Cunningham, T. Millar & Y. Aikawa
(Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge), p. 88.